GET YOUR SEASONAL FLU VACCINE IN LEWES If you are worried about contracting the flu or even concerned that you may have to take some time off work, worry no more. With our flu vaccination in Lewes, you can get the protection you need against this year’s seasonal flu. This will ensure that you don’t…


SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICES Sexual Health Services are accessible to everyone no matter their sex, sexual orientation, age, and ethnic origin. Contact Wyborns Pharmacy today for free Sexual Health Services in Lewes. Don’t hesitate to talk to one of our pharmacists before visiting us if you have any special needs such as a disability or if…


GET A BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK IN LEWES It’s simple to do a Blood Pressure Check in Lewes with Wyborns Pharmacy. It’s an easy way to confirm if your blood pressure is normal, too low, or too high. Blood pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by your blood when it gains entry into the arteries…